The philosophy of sufficiency economy philosophy is his Majesty, he has his words suggest guidelines. Thai people are her life as well as the philosophy guiding the existence. Community level to the State level in both the development and administration of the country, continue to the middle way, especially the economic development to continue, global. Can be applied at any time and it is a complex world view, a system that has changed constantly. Focused and survived the crisis to stability and sustainability of the development of sufficient means that Temperance. As well as the need to have the immune system in the body, and must be composed of two terms is a condition of knowledge moral conditions.
My family uses the philosophy of sufficiency economy. Everyday in ways similar to me and the family. Lived in a detached wooden house with trees and vegetation around the house, my parents were like planting trees and many vegetables.We save money to set baht. Of the house was purchased when necessary. Do not waste money Do not follow fashion names, too. Technologies The resulting waste money on the net.