A known pathogenic strain, L. garvieae, isolated from diseased
M. rosenbergii, which displayed clinical signs of opaque and whitish
musculature, was used for the study [2]. The pathogen was cultured
on a tryptic soy agar (TSA, Difco) for 24 h at 28 C before being
transferred to 50 ml of tryptic soy broth (TSB, Difco), where it
remained for 24 h at 28 C before being centrifuged at 7155 g for
15 min at 4 C. The supernatants were removed, and the bacterial
pellets were re-suspended in a saline solution (0.85% NaCl) at
2.0 107 colony-forming units (cfu) ml1 as a stock bacterial suspension
for the susceptibility study and at 1.0 108 cfu ml1 for