I was in Afghanistan and Iraq 9 years had house in Loei, Thailand. One year 6 months past have Divorce. I go USA then get job China and teach there. They have 2 month semester break in June I come back Loei.
Money begin low so I take job Khukan last semester. And now I here I teach 5 schools differant one each day.
But now problem immigration I have not work permit, so 30 Dec tomorrow my last day here they pay me I must go.
I taught Monday, Dan Udomsueksa school.
Tuesday, Silalard Wittaya school
Wednesday, Jiksangthong school
Thursday, Muenkaen School
Friday , Waikamwittaya Wittaya School I live at this school.
Tomorrow I wait the salary and go have not job or home.
I have interview for university in Chine on Skype tomorrow and soon as salary I go to Ubon Ratchatani stay 1 or two nights work on get another job on Internet then I anot sure, if get China job take my motorbike Loei and fly Beijing. I been applying jobs Cambodia too.
Maybe you no think me good teacher now, but I honest say you true.