This research was conducted in order to develop a Service Desk
Management System (SDMS) for the Faculty of Engineering, Mahidol University as a
tool for enhancing the communication in the organization and to solve problems by
gathering all requests, comments, and suggestions that arise from faculty members
into a database system. The results of each question that may be useful for others can
then be stored to the knowledge base support center. This application can provide
prompt, knowledgeable support services over the Faculty of Engineering’s intranet.
The SDMS was developed based on the web-based technology, relational
database model. This application allows users to store and quickly access the target
solution and the knowledge-based segmentation techniques for the SDMS.
The SDMS contains 6 major windows which allow the administrator to
post news, handle requests, as well as summarize the top most frequently asked
questions in both tabulated and graphic form. The SDMS can collect all the sources
from system input, then process the output from Tacit Knowledge to Explicit
Knowledge, and distribute it to the people in the Faculty of Engineering for self
service via intranet. The users can find information about related problems by using
both a keyword search and/or a category refining search if the related question and
answer have been stored in the knowledge database. The system also allows all users
to keep track of each request or view reports of service requests for management to
improve the organizational communication system.