Other ‘designed’ materials, such as polymers and foamed
metals, are already being used in many aerospace, maritime
and medical applications. Polymers also have unique
combinations of properties not found in ‘natural’ materials,
being lightweight, very flexible and mechanically strong. In
tandem with their electrical and optical properties, this makes
them highly suited to military applications. In aircraft
fuselages and body armour they offer high strength for low
weight, providing structural stability and flexibility.
Other ‘designed’ materials, such as polymers and foamedmetals, are already being used in many aerospace, maritimeand medical applications. Polymers also have uniquecombinations of properties not found in ‘natural’ materials,being lightweight, very flexible and mechanically strong. Intandem with their electrical and optical properties, this makesthem highly suited to military applications. In aircraftfuselages and body armour they offer high strength for lowweight, providing structural stability and flexibility.
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