4. Artists love socialising. Networking events are the art world's equivalent to job hunting, but with less misery and more booze. Whether you're searching for commissions or trying to advance your career, networking gives you the chance to meet industry professionals and expose yourself to new opportunities.
5. Many artists form collectives to publicise and exhibit their work. Kate Rowland, an illustrator from the collective After School Club explains: "Being in After School Club is great for motivation. It allows us to utilise each other's skills, therefore we have more resources to help one another. It's kind of like a creative support system. And lots of fun."
6. It's all about your portfolio. The visual arts are less grade-centric than other disciplines. An art director at a graphic design company once told me he'd think twice about hiring someone with a first-class degree, as he worried they'd have no time for hobbies outside of work. In his words, not mine, "they might be really boring". This isn't to say you shouldn't aim high – another employer might appreciate a first-class candidate. Rather, you should focus on making your portfolio the best you can possibly make it. A good body of work speaks louder than grades.