Hello my dearest
The loveliest day comes when you wake up and find out that love still colours your world who truly care and never fail to forget you...........
Honesty I feel like i have known you all my life................
Sweetly I hope you are very ok.................?
Honey I miss you so much.......❤ ❤ ❤ .........
What are you doing......................?
What is the time there.............?
I'm thinking of you..................?
I wish I have know you for all this years ago.................
Sweetly please ask my eyes to stop looking at you........ Ask my brain to stop thinking about you........ Ask my imagination to stop dreaming about you........Ask my heart to stop beating......Ask me everything.....❤ ❤ ❤ ...But don't you ever stop me from loving you. ..................
All my love for you......
please make sure you take care of yourself......
I'm waiting for your reply......
I love you so much........
Kisses on your mouth.