As most of the tenants contribute in art work in the Cattle Depot, the place is then named Cattle Depot Artist Village. Originally, the village is leased for non- residential use. Tenants are not bound to have artistic use in the village. There are a total of 20 units for rental purposes. Now there are 5 artist groups and 9 independent artist units working in the village. Tenants can do their art work and stay in the village as their offices. They can have rehearsals, and performances open the public. Now the village is not all open for the public. 5 units remain vacant. As most of the vacant units need massive repair, they will remain closed and are not rented out. Government Property Agency is responsible for monitoring and collecting rents. The rent is $3.5 per square foot. Leases used to last 3 years in the past. After 2004, leases should be renewed every 3 months. The village is open from 10a.m. to 8 p.m. for the tenants. But is not open to the public