Rubbish Removal & Stand Cleaning
• During the build-up and tear-down periods, exhibitors and/or their appointed contractors will be responsible for the day-to-day removal of their rubbish (i.e. empty paint tins, lumber, scrap, etc.). Removal of debris must be carried out on a daily basis, no accumulation of debris is allowed inside the exhibition hall.
• No crates, exhibits or packing materials may be placed on gangways during build-up and behind the exhibitors’ stands during the exhibition. During the exhibition period, carpets of all stands will be cleaned before show opening hours every day.
• The Organizer’s cleaning contractor, who will clean the area daily, have instructions to dispose all items left in gangways and behind stands. Apart from general hall cleanliness, this is also a strict enforcement of the Fire and Safety Regulation.
General Security
General security provided by the Organizer should not be depended on to provide more than a presence to inhibit theft. Security guards will patrol the exhibition hall in general, but their duties will not include specific attention to individual stands.
Security for individual Stand
If your displays are valuable and you would like to hire security personnel to attend exclusively to your stand, please contact the Organizer. Please note that you may NOT use any personnel from any other company other than from the official security agency. Your staff will not be allowed to stay overnight in the exhibition hall.
It is impossible to provide complete protection against theft. We strongly advise that cameras, telephone handsets, souvenir, valuable documents, etc. are kept in secured cabinets or rooms. Please also ensure that your exhibits are properly insured.
The following simple precautions may be helpful :
1. Look up all valuables including souvenirs before you leave your stand at the end of each day-display these valuables only when your booth is manned.
2. On the last evening of the exhibition, once the show closes, remove all valuables for immediate packing and return to your office or factory.
a. DO NOT leave your stand unattended.
b. DO NOT leave exhibits, souvenir items, consumables etc. at your stand, not even in locked cupboards as all furniture will be retrieved by suppliers once the show is over.
c. DO NOT take chances with your valuables-once they are lost it will be almost impossible to recover them.