„This gives your lesson, if dares to pursue again, makes you die without the burial ground.” Xuanyuan long has smiled one, immediately brought Mo Chou to have the direction of blue sea to flee to go, planned to cross the blue sea, even if the Yin Family Heavenly Dragon health/guard chased down the words that came once again, above the blue sea, oneself also occupied enough place to benefit, they want to encircle kill themselves not to be easy.
Xuanyuan does not dare to enrage the Yin Family two Heavenly Dragon health/guard now truly, if they chase down themselves really reckless, although oneself are insufficient dead, but will not feel better absolutely, can only frighten their slightly, this criterion, goes too far is as bad as not far enough.
„Has not thought that the short date and time does not see, he actually had different was hot, it seems like before , the rumor of stage was not really false, he already by ‚Fighting Dragons Sect’ Immortal Wu Xing received for the apprentice, perhaps did below therapy drizzle also integrate the different water to form a moment ago violently poisonously? A bit faster therapy, takes disintoxicating compounded drug, these time must be careful.” And Imperial realm looks mean Xuanyuan has been far away truly, this starts to treat and cure the Grandmaster Realm Heavenly Dragon health/guard that Yin Family is poisoned fully.
After their prompt treatments, actually also only then six Grandmaster Realm Heavenly Dragon health/guard lived, has not thought that grasps time Xuanyuan, made them lose nine Grandmaster Realm Heavenly Dragon health/guard unexpectedly, this to them, simply was the great shame, especially Xuanyuan was also only a King Realm Boundary character.
Moreover a Imperial realm Heavenly Dragon health/guard also received the heavy wound , after can only waits for its injury to recover, can carry on to pursue, although died nine Grandmaster Realm Heavenly Dragon health/guard, lets jointly attack the strategy to sell at a discount greatly, but strikes to kill Xuanyuan not to have the issue.
„Next time found this boy, immediately stimulates to movement to jointly attack the strategy, do not let a he opportunity!” A Yin Family Imperial realm Heavenly Dragon health/guard roared angrily.
Where Xuanyuan knows that these Yin Family Heavenly Dragon health/guard the anger, is bringing Mo Chou, ran away above the blue sea, the eye of Mo Chou was red, was very sad:
„Brother Xuanyuan, the big bird died.”
Xuanyuan knows Mo Chou to be good-hearted, unknowingly has sighed with emotion one, does not know that is have experienced slaughtering too, became by oneself the cold blood.
„Mo Chou, did not want sadly, the big bird did not only pass to accompany Mei maternal aunt, actually they have not died, so long as you bore in mind them, do not forget, one day, will see once more their.” Xuanyuan comforts Mo Chou with this method once more.
„Real?” Mo Chou is having the question obviously.
„, Don't you believe me really?” The Xuanyuan forced smile said.
„Um, Mo Chou believes Brother Xuanyuan.” Quick, Mo Chou is not sad, said: „Hope big bird can know Mei maternal aunt, has the big bird to accompany Mei maternal aunt, bringing Mei maternal aunt to play, Mei maternal aunt will not be lonely.”
In the Xuanyuan heart was touched by Mo Chou once again, is filled with emotion:
„Mo Chou simply was pure to the extreme.”