Table 4 shows the antioxidant activity of themethanolic extract of four different mango sampleswere evaluated by free radical scavenging assay.Fresh Green Mango extracts (concentration 50 mg/mL) exhibited excellent scavenging effects on DPPHradicals in the range of 98–<99%. Fresh RipenMango (concentration 50 mg/mL) also showed goodscavenging effect like Fresh Green mango in therange of 98-<99%. There were no significant (p >0.05) differences observed for free radical scavengingactivity between fresh and freeze-dried mangosamples. Freeze-dried mango samples (concentration50 mg/mL) showed antioxidant activity around 97%.But it was found that freeze-dried sample showedless antioxidant activity than that of the fresh sample.
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