Sites of visual culture are important in students' lives. Because of this, more cases need to be developed that locate the content of visual images in the daily experiences of youth so that the theory of visual culture education can be matched with practical sites of visual culture education. Art educators in K-12 settings need more practical examples of how visual culture education can be applied to their teaching situations. Visual culture education encourages taking the context of students' lives into consideration when developing art curricula. In this case, the artist/educator Sentrock focuses on one aspect of some students' daily experiences: graffiti. Art educators can utilize Sentrock's teaching about the delineation of vandalism from graffiti art, creating a space for art students to express themselves through graffiti in a positive manner.
Graffiti artist Sentrock sees his graffiti as a selfless act, a way of giving back to the community--when done legally--and inspires a group of middle school students