If you are a woman, special style rules apply. Chinese business women dress quite conservatively, and you should mimic this style. You should not wear anything revealing. If you choose to wear a dress, the hem needs to be below the knee or the dress is considered inappropriate. You should also wear a high neckline.
Avoid wearing extremely high heels, regardless of what you are wearing. A shoe with a low heel is acceptable, but the heel must be extremely small. If your hosts are shorter than you, do not wear a heel at all. It will be considered a sign of disrespect and rudeness. Only closed-toe shoes are worn, such as pumps. Open-toe shoes are inappropriate for the Chinese workplace.
You also cannot wear flashy or large jewelry, regardless of what you wear. If you choose to wear jewelry, choose pieces that are small and appropriate. Do not wear large earrings, large jeweled rings, or bulky necklaces.