The human in all organizations including: industrial, commercial and service is considered as one of the most
important factors in achieving the goals. For increasing the efficiency and productivity as much as the human factor
must be recognized in him the motivation factors. (Alavi, 2007). So, for every manager in the organization,
awareness of the issue of staff motivation is very necessary. (Rahnavard, 2009). One of the Major strategies in the
Red Crescent of Islamic Republic of Iran is Capacity building for Using of Human Capital for doing services and
Practical Training. Instructor's role is very important in increasing the efficiency of the Red Crescent Society
volunteers. Their Minimal Role is changing Participatory Culture in Society into Cultural Norms. Without doubt, the
Red Crescent Society will play its role in the implementation of healthy people and developed effectively which, can
be used volunteer group of people to achieve their predetermined goals. Accordingly, the main research question is
what factors play a role in increasing the motivation of teachers' of The Red Crescent Society؟.