50% of glass, 41% of metals, and 50% of other inert mate- rials of low calorific value [11, 12]. After first-stage sorting, waste is reduced in a shredder and screened. Screen mesh size is selected according to desired amounts and properties of highly calorific fractions. Often a mesh size of 100 mm is used. In such cases, however, smaller quantities of HCF are obtained. Thus, according to this consideration, a screen mesh size of 80 mm was selected as a reference for further calculations. The amounts of various waste components remaining in HCF after screening are presented in Table 4.
After screening, the remaining waste is diverted to a secondary metal separator and sorted by air classifier, separating the heavy fraction [11, 12] (Table 5).
The comparison of composition of MSW and MBT processed waste in the years 2008 and 2017 is presented in Tables 6-8. In the case of Scenario No. 3, the amounts of separated waste remain constant throughout the entire year.
During mechanical treatment, moisture content in waste is reduced, and glass and metals are separated. At the same time, the share of plastics, paper, and other combustibles is increased, consecutively increasing the calorific value of the waste.