Refined wheat flour was replaced with whole barley flour at varying levels and the blends were evaluated
for their cookie making behavior. The spread factor of cookies decreased as the proportion of
barley flour increased while snap force and water activity increased significantly upto 114.7 N and 0.397
in only barley flour cookies. Increasing levels of barley flour lead to a significant decrease in L* and b*
values of cookie dough. Peak viscosity (PV) and final viscosity (FV) increased significantly as the levels of
barley flour increased. A significant increase in antioxidant activity (AOA), total phenolic content (TPC),
metal chelating activity (MCA), reducing power (RP) and total flavonoid content (TFC) was observed as
the proportion of barley flour increased. Baking lead to a significant decrease in TPC and TFC whereas
AOA, MCA and RP increased. Baking lead to a significant increase in the non-enzymatic browning index
of cookies.