Albert Keene, in noting the pressure to make tenure, spoke about the importance of
guarding one’s time and focusing on those things of personal and institutional priority:
Time! Time, if you want to put it that way, time is the biggest barriers. You can, I
know that nobody says, will ever discourage faculty from helping or participating
in any number of activities. You really have to watch out for your time. Um and
you just have to guard your time. Be responsible for yourself.
Barrier to collaboration: Institutional culture and lack of relationship with
student affairs staff. Faculty members believe they lack time to develop relationships
with Student Affairs staff – and these relationships need to be built in order for
opportunities for collaboration to emerge. In anecdotal cases where faculty members had
become acquainted with members of the student affairs staff, most found the partnership
to be rewarding and provided an opportunity for the faculty member to learn about the
role and work of student affairs in a positive way