„Should not be that level that I cannot know?” Yun Che [say / way] cautiously. Jasmine is concealing many matters to him, so long as is she does not want to tell him, in any event will not disclose half character to him.
Jasmine looks at his one eyes, proud full don't face: „Although this matter said that is quite troublesome, words that but you want to know ... Snort, I get rid of the demon to be poisonous today, is happy, can tell you actually. However, I receive each character, regardless in the future you will run into anyone, may not disclose half character.”
I go such seriously ... A Yun Che face healthy tendency [say / way]: „In this world estimated that cannot some people understand me compared with you, am I that type do not know person who weight, you are not clear.”
„Snort, you to woman matter, have not known the weight!” Jasmine coldly snorted said.
Yun Che is at a loss for words.
Jasmine extends the arm, the small hands gathers together, got down small sound-insulated formation ... this sound-insulated formation naturally to not to prevent her in the Hong'er surrounding cloth listens secretly, but feared that quarrelled she to sleep peacefully.
An action conveniently, showing is actually Jasmine to Hong'er that is almost subconscious protecting.
Jasmine very much has favored to protect to Hong'er, forever is ominous to me ... Yun Che sour thought.
„Primordial Era, is the time of various god, other races all are low grade base and low existences. North Chaos Dimension is cloudy, south is positive. The south chaos, are the world that the ancient times god clan had, but northern chaos, for the world of antiquity demon clan. The god clan and demon clan occupy 50% Chaos Dimension respectively, two clan Yin-Yang repulse, is hostile to mutually, but also few stimulation mutual hatreds, even communicated unusually, lived in peace with each other, parallel world that such as two attributes contradicted exists generally.”
Jasmine starts to narrate, the content that but she narrated let Yun Che dumbstruck, asking that did not control self: „This ... What relations this and does the Fen Juechen matter have?”