1. Diabetes sufferers lack insulin in their blood, which causes high levels of glucose or blood sugar.
2. The idea that eating too much sugar leads to diabetes is actually a myth.
3. People who don’t exercise or who lead inactive lifestyles are more likely to develop the disease.
4. There is also a genetic component to the disease which the individual cannot control.
Concluding sentence: If you lead a healthy lifestyle by eating right and playing sports, you can be fairly confident that you won’t become a diabetes sufferer.
1.A diet high in calories from any source (not just sugar) that results in weight gain will put you at risk for diabetes.
2.People who don’t exercise or who lead inactive lifestyles (for examples, “couch potatoes” who watch a lot of TV and rarely leave the house) are more likely to develop the disease.
3.There is also a genetic component to the disease which the individual cannot control
4.Diabetesis not caused by a bacteria or a virus, so you can’t catch it from someone else, the way you might catch a cold or the flu.
Concluding sentence: 3 factors causing diabetes, plus 1 that does not: diet, physical activity, genetic factors yes, catching the disease from others no.