PG Inspection Reports
Regular PG checks will be carried out by the supplier and inspection reports produced
showing the results of these checks.
Care should be taken when interpreting data from these reports, as some key
information may not be present on the report or could be open to misinterpretation,
for example:
• What direction is + and what direction is -.
• What mikomi is included - in the gauge
- in the error calculation
Other common concerns with supplier inspection reports are that:
• The set up method used may not have been correct,
• Gauge datums may not be the same as the assembly jig and therefore
measurement data may not correlate to how the part behaves in the assembly jig.
• Concerns in the panel / assembly may not be evident after clamping the parts in
the gauge and therefore key part / assembly concerns will not be highlighted in the
inspection report.
• For standard PG checks, measurements are only taken and therefore the data will
only show the part condition at specific measurement points, (which may not be
the same as the points that need to be investigated). This may mean that again key
part / assembly concerns will not be highlighted in the inspection report.