I was a kid .... 8- 10 years
I had a cat!
(It was a cat - a woman)
She followed me everywhere - like a dog!
vented cargo me to school
and I was waiting when I come
as I walked to my colleagues she was going with me.
as I play football .. she waited next to the pitch.
She was so emphatic that she could outrun the dogs that appeared nearby.
But she did not he liked the water !!!
I was proud of her ... because other colleagues came to play with the dogs ... and my cat wyszstkie dogs prevailed!
One time we went to play in the woods.
Of course my cat walked with us at a distance of 2-3 meters AROUND
We passed over a creek.
(Mountain stream about 5-6 meters wide and about 0.5 m deep)
I and my colleagues have passed and she did not want to go into the water.
My colleagues began to laugh that if she were a dog it would flowed.
I looked at my cat ... stood on the other side.
and I called it .... "Come on ... show them that you can swim"
Cat walked into the water.
she passed a small river.
She brushed out of the water!
and she immediately moved back.
Passed a small river a second time and oszła straight home!
since that time has stopped go with me.