Marriage is that institution which we all have to attend at a certain point of time in our lives. And the moment we enter it, there is no looking back for you unless you enter for other reasons like, finding riches, fitting in, old age, beauty and more. When you get married your life changes for good or for bad: Your lifestyles, your way of living and some times even your friends changes forever to incorporate that person in our life. Beautiful isn't it? But it definitely is not as easy and rosy as the wedding you did or as it sounds, the two must work hard to be one in thinking, the two must work hard to forgive constantly, the two must work hard to respect each other always not only when the going is good for you. Guys with many marriages breaking around the world, we all need to find time for our partners and also to discover each other all over again each day in order to stand firm during trail moments. I believe it's high time we shared some light on a very simple recipe for successful marriage. The wife, (woman) or the better half, as we call it, is truly the soul of any marriage and without her patience and forgiveness and tolerant, the household turns into War filed or zone. A man may cheat and come back home, but the marriage only ends when the woman decided not to accept the bad ways of her partner any more, men dont make home, ladies do, men dont build or sustain homes, ladies do, so it is high time, we ladies fix that home and put up the coat of a good and tolerant wife. So what does it take to make a woman a GOOD WIFE? Of course, personalities vary in a wide range but there are some basic rules that apply to every woman, irrespective of every other factor. This list says it all.
Lots of ladies dream about perfection, happiness, completions and enjoyment in marriages,and in as much as we women love to dream all the time. About the perfect husband, the perfect in-laws, perfect house on a beach, matching curtains, wooden furniture and what not, the reality is a LOT different from your DREAMS ladies and probably harsh too. So wake up and embrace the beauty of the reality, whatever it has to offer. This is the primary rule of a perfect marriage. When you come to terms with reality and accept the fact that the house, your husband, your in-laws are way different from what you had imagined, that’s when you will have a perfect marriage.
In order for your mother in-law to accept you completely, there should be the trace of a good wife in you, remember your in law is a woman and knows all the tricks and the fake faces, the only way to have a happy home, is when your in-law is at peace with you. You may insult me for this, but every man is the heart and soul of his mother just as most ladies are the heart and soul of their fathers, so ladies wake up already and respect that fact.
Ladies without food in the house, your men will always be out and about in other ladies kitchen, in restaurants and most importantly in his mothers house each day,you need to learn how to cook in order to maintain your man at home, you need to give him the sexual pleasure, in order to maintain your man at home, you need to tolerate his childish ways and forgive him in order to maintain your man at home, then there are some men who will always go out even if you cooked HEAVEN, give them the doggy style and everything, those are naturally sick men and they need prayers and deliverance to change not fights or nagging.
Ladies make your husband go wow with occasional surprises planned for him and make him feel love constantly because he will treat you twice as much as you treat him. Why should only husbands plan surprises for their wives? Even men like to feel pampered once in a while. So girls, don’t wait for some special day. It does not require any special day to profess your love to your husband. Plan a beautiful surprise, romantic or adventurous get away without the kids and woo him all over again. Men are naturally the biggest babies we can ever marry so make them happy.
The impression of a quality date stays for long in your husband's head and heart and you will feel the LOVE in your marriage and also you will both feel romantic and loved for days to come. Your husband will thank you for the awesome date and for recreating that magic.Just because you are married now and have bigger responsibilities or children, does not mean you will lose out the spark and the romance in your lives. Ladies from time to time, come back home early from work, prepare a candle light dinner with a lovely massage for your husband or take a day off just to be with your husband. Go out on a romantic date, lunch or movie or dinner as you used to go out earlier, believe me, these things builds your love lives.
A lot of ladies have problems with their husband's friends after they get married, ladies remember these FRIENDS once took you out on dates with your husbands,some of them even encouraged him to marry you, so stop getting annoyed with them after the "I DO" and let your life style as a WIFE push them to find WIFE'S too. When you are married to your man, you accept every lifestyle of his,so study your men well before marriage because there is no different between your honey and his friends. Accept the fact that your husband probably has more friends than you and they will drop by all the time. They are very dear to your husband so be nice to them and remember when you are friendly with his friends, he will appreciate that quality of yours and will willingly introduce you as his QUEEN to more and more friends of his.
Remember that without caring, communication, respect, acceptance, tolerant,forgiveness,love,understanding and loyalty, you have no marriage,so start working on your self in order to let things go freely and in order to maintain a happy home, you should forgive more. So now we move on to the serious part of a marriage, Communication/ Forgiveness.Ladies, it is of utmost importance in any kind of relationship to communicate on a daily basis, because your worries, your pains and your problems and thoughts are never ever going to reach your husband unless you tell him and same holds true for him as well. If he finds you are egoistic, unforgiven and not communicating, he won’t have the urge for communicating with you and problems and issues shall remain un-addressed and unsolved. You don’t want your marriage on the rocks, right? So start sharing with your husband whatever is going on in your mind, sit together as friends at the end of each day and share incidents from your day at work or at home,talk constantly. When you share things with your husband, he finds it easier to open up to you and your marriage will be a happy one.
Ladies, most men naturally relaxed and take their women for granted after marriage, but it does not mean that you should be a constant NAG. Nagging is one thing in most women that men absolutely hate and even pushes them out of their marital homes. NAGGING is annoying and bad in every angel,so STOP it if you want to build your marriage. We understand that after marriage, your husband becomes familiar with you and you share all of your grieves, insecurities, problems and demands with him, but ladies, there is a limit to everything you can do or SAY to your HUSBAND. Remember that men are mostly wrong, am not saying your husbands are but, even if they are,there is always a limit to things you can say to them and how you can say them. Remember that you can always be a positive influence in your husband's life and his bad habits will automatically change, when you dont NAG him to change but do it out of love. When you are angry at your husband or your partner do not do it immediately after your husband comes home from work or when he is at work.Nobody likes women nagging all the time and this nagging is such a dangerous quality that might even lead to infidelity on the husband’s part. Be a good influence and a good example to him, ladies be the reason that makes the HUSBAND change himself for the best not for the worse and be the reason your husband would want to change himself to be an optimistic and responsible man. When his friends and relatives appreciate him for the recent changes in him, most of them positive, he should thank you and proudly announce the disclaimer for his revised personality.
Ladies remember that no HOME is ever perfect and no marriage is ever HEAVEN on earth so relax and look into your own home not into other women's homes when it comes to fixing your home or your marriage. Tell me, which marriage does not have fights? In fact, every relationship has fights, because two different people from two different backgrounds and upbringings are trying so hard to be one unique persons. Being positive and forgive always make up for a big part of any successful marriage, but one very important thing is to choose what to FIGHT about and what to IGNORE. Learn to choose between fights which are necessary and fights which makes you look like the bad WIFE, learn to control your emotions because, there are topics and issues which are too petty to be fought for. We women (WIFE'S) would have to learn to tolerate and forgive quickly if we want the perfect marriage or the perfect husband's. Accept that your husband's can be friends with other females , can talk to other females, and can even say a harmless hello to old friend (FEMALES). Ladies remember these fights are not good for your marr
Marriage is that institution which we all have to attend at a certain point of time in our lives. And the moment we enter it, there is no looking back for you unless you enter for other reasons like, finding riches, fitting in, old age, beauty and more. When you get married your life changes for good or for bad: Your lifestyles, your way of living and some times even your friends changes forever to incorporate that person in our life. Beautiful isn't it? But it definitely is not as easy and rosy as the wedding you did or as it sounds, the two must work hard to be one in thinking, the two must work hard to forgive constantly, the two must work hard to respect each other always not only when the going is good for you. Guys with many marriages breaking around the world, we all need to find time for our partners and also to discover each other all over again each day in order to stand firm during trail moments. I believe it's high time we shared some light on a very simple recipe for successful marriage. The wife, (woman) or the better half, as we call it, is truly the soul of any marriage and without her patience and forgiveness and tolerant, the household turns into War filed or zone. A man may cheat and come back home, but the marriage only ends when the woman decided not to accept the bad ways of her partner any more, men dont make home, ladies do, men dont build or sustain homes, ladies do, so it is high time, we ladies fix that home and put up the coat of a good and tolerant wife. So what does it take to make a woman a GOOD WIFE? Of course, personalities vary in a wide range but there are some basic rules that apply to every woman, irrespective of every other factor. This list says it all.
Lots of ladies dream about perfection, happiness, completions and enjoyment in marriages,and in as much as we women love to dream all the time. About the perfect husband, the perfect in-laws, perfect house on a beach, matching curtains, wooden furniture and what not, the reality is a LOT different from your DREAMS ladies and probably harsh too. So wake up and embrace the beauty of the reality, whatever it has to offer. This is the primary rule of a perfect marriage. When you come to terms with reality and accept the fact that the house, your husband, your in-laws are way different from what you had imagined, that’s when you will have a perfect marriage.
In order for your mother in-law to accept you completely, there should be the trace of a good wife in you, remember your in law is a woman and knows all the tricks and the fake faces, the only way to have a happy home, is when your in-law is at peace with you. You may insult me for this, but every man is the heart and soul of his mother just as most ladies are the heart and soul of their fathers, so ladies wake up already and respect that fact.
Ladies without food in the house, your men will always be out and about in other ladies kitchen, in restaurants and most importantly in his mothers house each day,you need to learn how to cook in order to maintain your man at home, you need to give him the sexual pleasure, in order to maintain your man at home, you need to tolerate his childish ways and forgive him in order to maintain your man at home, then there are some men who will always go out even if you cooked HEAVEN, give them the doggy style and everything, those are naturally sick men and they need prayers and deliverance to change not fights or nagging.
Ladies make your husband go wow with occasional surprises planned for him and make him feel love constantly because he will treat you twice as much as you treat him. Why should only husbands plan surprises for their wives? Even men like to feel pampered once in a while. So girls, don’t wait for some special day. It does not require any special day to profess your love to your husband. Plan a beautiful surprise, romantic or adventurous get away without the kids and woo him all over again. Men are naturally the biggest babies we can ever marry so make them happy.
The impression of a quality date stays for long in your husband's head and heart and you will feel the LOVE in your marriage and also you will both feel romantic and loved for days to come. Your husband will thank you for the awesome date and for recreating that magic.Just because you are married now and have bigger responsibilities or children, does not mean you will lose out the spark and the romance in your lives. Ladies from time to time, come back home early from work, prepare a candle light dinner with a lovely massage for your husband or take a day off just to be with your husband. Go out on a romantic date, lunch or movie or dinner as you used to go out earlier, believe me, these things builds your love lives.
A lot of ladies have problems with their husband's friends after they get married, ladies remember these FRIENDS once took you out on dates with your husbands,some of them even encouraged him to marry you, so stop getting annoyed with them after the "I DO" and let your life style as a WIFE push them to find WIFE'S too. When you are married to your man, you accept every lifestyle of his,so study your men well before marriage because there is no different between your honey and his friends. Accept the fact that your husband probably has more friends than you and they will drop by all the time. They are very dear to your husband so be nice to them and remember when you are friendly with his friends, he will appreciate that quality of yours and will willingly introduce you as his QUEEN to more and more friends of his.
Remember that without caring, communication, respect, acceptance, tolerant,forgiveness,love,understanding and loyalty, you have no marriage,so start working on your self in order to let things go freely and in order to maintain a happy home, you should forgive more. So now we move on to the serious part of a marriage, Communication/ Forgiveness.Ladies, it is of utmost importance in any kind of relationship to communicate on a daily basis, because your worries, your pains and your problems and thoughts are never ever going to reach your husband unless you tell him and same holds true for him as well. If he finds you are egoistic, unforgiven and not communicating, he won’t have the urge for communicating with you and problems and issues shall remain un-addressed and unsolved. You don’t want your marriage on the rocks, right? So start sharing with your husband whatever is going on in your mind, sit together as friends at the end of each day and share incidents from your day at work or at home,talk constantly. When you share things with your husband, he finds it easier to open up to you and your marriage will be a happy one.
Ladies, most men naturally relaxed and take their women for granted after marriage, but it does not mean that you should be a constant NAG. Nagging is one thing in most women that men absolutely hate and even pushes them out of their marital homes. NAGGING is annoying and bad in every angel,so STOP it if you want to build your marriage. We understand that after marriage, your husband becomes familiar with you and you share all of your grieves, insecurities, problems and demands with him, but ladies, there is a limit to everything you can do or SAY to your HUSBAND. Remember that men are mostly wrong, am not saying your husbands are but, even if they are,there is always a limit to things you can say to them and how you can say them. Remember that you can always be a positive influence in your husband's life and his bad habits will automatically change, when you dont NAG him to change but do it out of love. When you are angry at your husband or your partner do not do it immediately after your husband comes home from work or when he is at work.Nobody likes women nagging all the time and this nagging is such a dangerous quality that might even lead to infidelity on the husband’s part. Be a good influence and a good example to him, ladies be the reason that makes the HUSBAND change himself for the best not for the worse and be the reason your husband would want to change himself to be an optimistic and responsible man. When his friends and relatives appreciate him for the recent changes in him, most of them positive, he should thank you and proudly announce the disclaimer for his revised personality.
Ladies remember that no HOME is ever perfect and no marriage is ever HEAVEN on earth so relax and look into your own home not into other women's homes when it comes to fixing your home or your marriage. Tell me, which marriage does not have fights? In fact, every relationship has fights, because two different people from two different backgrounds and upbringings are trying so hard to be one unique persons. Being positive and forgive always make up for a big part of any successful marriage, but one very important thing is to choose what to FIGHT about and what to IGNORE. Learn to choose between fights which are necessary and fights which makes you look like the bad WIFE, learn to control your emotions because, there are topics and issues which are too petty to be fought for. We women (WIFE'S) would have to learn to tolerate and forgive quickly if we want the perfect marriage or the perfect husband's. Accept that your husband's can be friends with other females , can talk to other females, and can even say a harmless hello to old friend (FEMALES). Ladies remember these fights are not good for your marr
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