Looks at such one, except for Orion Monastery Elder and disciple, most people smiles, they know, after today, Chu Feng is doomed to rise, perhaps in Cyanwood Mountain, nobody can not know that the Chu Feng given name, this talent, will be included true Genius.
But Asura department that Chu Feng creates, is doomed to rise, is led the branch that by this kind of Genius, how possibly to rise? Believes after today, will be the endless person, will want to join the Asura department, will become this Genius subordinate.
„Younger brother, now you know, this Chu Feng ability?” Suddenly, Long Chenyi said to younger brother Long Chenfu.
Long Chenfu at this moment, the complexion is unattractive, that does not envy the envy, but is the pure fear, saw the Chu Feng skill, saw Chu Feng behind Wei Elder, his how possibly not fear, before after all, he and Chu Feng has hatred.
„Big brother, I have made a mistake, I acknowledged that was I am a snobbish SOB, has wrongly perceived Chu Feng.”
„Now, this Chu Feng must rise, first did not say he has this skill, solely has Wei Elder asylum, even if he does not have the skill, enjoying the sight and sound of the wind whipping up the water that can also mix, you said that he can retaliate me?” Long Chenfu is very timid saying, he is afraid really very much.
„In my opinion, Chu Feng likely is not the person of this being small-minded, after all my Ascension Sect Elder, has been helping him, he will not cope your.”
„Some days, after this matter subsides slightly some, you go to the Asura department along with me, spoke some words of praise with Chu Feng, believes that you and his grudge, will pass.” Long Chenyi comforts to say with a smile.
„Em, all listens to the big brother.” Long Chenfu nodded, at this moment, he really did not have the pillar.
But after comforting Long Chenfu, Long Chenyi was also once again looks the vision to Chu Feng, although his surface was tranquil, but in regulations innermost feelings, has been full of the shock, by the Chu Feng true strength, was frightened heavily.