Grade 9 Geometry
In Grade 9 Geometry class we introduce new topics such as Vectors and Analytic Geometry as well as basic definitions of Geometry, Circle, Polygons, Pyramid, Prisms, Cone and Sphere. The main focus of this course is on the understanding of the basic concepts in 2 and 3-dimensional space, discovering the relationship between analytical geometry and mathematics, working on constructions, applications and proofs, and finding evidences of geometry in real life. In computer lab or through use of netbooks in the classrooms, students use software like Geometer’s Sketch Pad and Cabri 3D which enables them to develop critical thinking skills. In this class students are evaluated using a variety of assessment methods such as exams, quizzes and performance tasks.
Grade 10 Geometry
To deepen the understanding of the students of what they have learned in Grade 9 Geometry class, they study in this class geometry as a mathematical system through the deductive development of relationships in the plane. We involve the students in solving problems that are related to their daily life. We also emphasize the importance of writing proofs to interpret the properties of geometric figures. The major topics in this course are principal elements in plane geometry and forms of proof, vectors in two dimensions, lines, triangles and transformations. Mathematical softwares like Cabri and Geometry sketchpad are used in the course to enhance students’ understanding of geometrical figures. In this class
students are evaluated using a variety of assessment methods such as exams, quizzes and performance tasks.
Grade 11 Geometry
In Grade 11 Geometry class we focus on investigating the Quadrilaterals, Circle and Conics by using synthetic, analytic and vector approaches. Students work on constructions, applications and proofs. They discover and draw conjectures about the theories and properties of geometric concepts by using the computer software, Geometer’s Sketchpad, in the computer lab or in the class through use of netbooks. Students are involved in solving problems related to their daily life which enables them to see how geometry is used in the real world. In this class students are evaluated using a variety of assessment methods such as exams, quizzes and performance tasks.
Grade 12 Geometry
In Grade 12 Geometry class we focus on investigating the vectors, space geometry, solids, tesselations, transformations and perspective by using synthetic, analytic and vector approaches. Students work on constructions, applications and proofs. They discover and draw conjectures about the theories and properties of geometric concepts by using the computer software, Geometer’s Sketchpad, in the computer lab or in the class through use of netbooks. Students are involved in solving problems and modelling related to their daily life which enables them to see how geometry is used in the real world. Also they focus on historical development of geometry and geometry language, cultural and historical relationship with geometry and the connection with art. In this class students are evaluated using a variety of assessment methods such as exams, quizzes and performance tasks.