Logistic regression is a multivariate analysis method of
marketing information becoming more and more used because the
number of conditions that must be achieved are lower than, for example,
in the case of discriminant analysis. The purpose of this paper is to
obtain information using logistic regression with respect to the
importance of variables in differentiating the classes. The variables
included in logistic regression are: the dependent variable is the type of
tourists (Romanian or foreign) and the independent variables are as
follows: Is this the first time you came to this region? How many days do
you plan to stay in this region? Which is the purpose of your staying? In
the following year, do you plan to return to this region? This paper also
includes a factorial analysis of correspondences, as well as the bivariate
analysis using Kruskal-Wallis test in order to simultaneously test the
difference between the age of the respondents and their assessment of the
organization manner, variety and attractiveness of tours