Table 3 presents the bivariate correlations between
predictors and communication preferences and Table 4 presents
the intercorrelations among the significant predictors.
Multicollinearity was low in the regression analyses; the
variance inflation factor value was always under 2.0 and
usually ranged between 1.1 and 1.3. The explanation of
variance by sociodemographic variables alone was low,
and depending on the scale, ranged between 0.8% and 3.2%
(see Table 2). The only significant predictor was age. Older
CLBP patients had less preference for a patient-centered,
participatory communication style and preferred open and
clear communication. However, for them, communication
about personal circumstances was more important than for
younger patients. This age effect, as the rather low explanation
of variance shows, was not very large. Table 5 shows
the effect by presenting the KOPRA scale values for three
different age groups.