This study set out to investigate the pattern of computer use and the prevalence of computer-related musculoskeletal symptoms in undergraduate university
students. It sought to increase the research on students in European universities and instigate research on students in Irish universities. All
students used a computer, and more students used a laptop than a desktop. Although the reported duration of computer use was quite low,
the prevalence of computer-related musculoskeletal symptoms was high. Increased prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms was associated with year of college, average daily computer
use, right hand dominance and to a lesser extent, female gender. The pattern of increasing musculoskeletal symptoms year-on-year is of interest as the prevention
of musculoskeletal symptoms in student populations is important, and the identification of risk factors may be one step towards the development of a prevention
programme. The use of laptops has clear advantages in education, however their portable nature may make ergonomic assessment more
difficult to undertake. This could impact on the implementation of strategies for the prevention of computer-related musculoskeletal symptoms in university
students. Furthermore, the rapidly changing pattern of use of information technology in university education needs to be addressed so that
any guidance or preventative strategies can be appropriate for those for whom they are intended. Further studies should include observational
studies, students from other disciplines and students from other European universities to facilitate a greater understanding of the
risk factors for undergraduate students.