After a meeting with Khun William this evening, I was surprise that the existing auditor has come up with their draft of 2014 Financial Statements and auditor report. So now we have 2 auditors do the same 2014 financial stements.
I think there was a miscommunication (or their game) for still not withdraw themselves as auditor. However they are in the better position (right to audit) than me because they were appointed by the 2013 AGM while I was appointed by the director, not AGM. In this case I think, we should to have Extra AGM to cancell the existing auditor and appoint me as 2014 auditor or have them do the audit and I withdraw myself. This is servious for me because they can sue me for doing against code of ethics.
Their draft of auditor report has a qualify opinion that our fianancial statements are not comply with accounting principal on allowance for doubtful account There are common area receivables 366,648.15 Baht which can not collect money and we did not reserve a bad debt for them. In order to have the auditor issue a clean opinion, the chairman should have a written notice to auditor saying that we are okay to make an allowance for doubtful account and have them adjust financial statements and