Commercial DBMS venders offer various solutions to datasynchronization in a mobile environment.
However, these solutions are not independent of the server-side databasebecause they use database dependent
information such asmetadata or use specific functions of server-side database suchas trigger and time stamp. In other
words, the mobile databasevender should be equivalent to the server-side database vender.The solution of operating
a separate synchronization server inthe middle tier is independent of the server-side database butdedicated to the
mobile database. That is, the synchronizationsolution and the mobile database should be the identical venderproduct.
Additionally, when a client programmer develops mobile application that are embedded in mobile devices,
thedeveloper should uses a particular library that is provided by thevender of mobile database or modify existing
mobileapplications for synchronization process. Because of theserestrictions, the extensibility, adaptability and
flexibility ofmobile business systems are markedly decrease. This problemmust be solved in order to build efficient
mobile businesssystems because upcoming mobile environments will haveheterogeneous characteristics in which
diverse mobile devices,mobile databases, and RDBMS exist.
This paper suggests SAMD (Synchronization Algorithmsbased on Message Digest) in order to resolve the
problemsmentioned above. SAMD resolves synchronization problemsusing only standard SQL queries as certified
by the ISO(International Organization for Standardization). This isfollowed by a possible synchronization of any
datacombination regardless of the kind of server-side database ormobile database. The SAMD therefore would
provideextensibility, adaptability and flexibility. The SAMD makesthe images at the table of the server-side
database and themobile database using a message digest algorithm; then theimages, and the message digest values,
are saved in themessage digest tables on both sides. The SAMD algorithmcompares two images in order to select the
rows needed for synchronization. If the value of message digest regardingidentical rows is different for both sides, it
means theduplicated rows have been changed and synchronization isnecessary using SAMD. Message digest is used
to detectfalsification of data transferred mainly via security protocols.In this procedure, because a large volume of
data iscompressed into a small volume, we can simplify the detectionof data inconsistencies and minimize wasted
storage space.Message digest functions work fast even with limitedresources, so that they reduce the burden placed
on mobiledevices that have small computing power.This paper is organized into several sections. Section
2introduces the background knowledge that is needed to understandthis paper. A proposed SAMD synchronization
algorithm based onmessage digest is explained in Section 3. In Section 4, performanceevaluation and quality
evaluation is achieved in implementingSAMD. Finally, Section 5 concludes the paper.
Commercial DBMS venders offer various solutions to datasynchronization in a mobile environment.
However, these solutions are not independent of the server-side databasebecause they use database dependent
information such asmetadata or use specific functions of server-side database suchas trigger and time stamp. In other
words, the mobile databasevender should be equivalent to the server-side database vender.The solution of operating
a separate synchronization server inthe middle tier is independent of the server-side database butdedicated to the
mobile database. That is, the synchronizationsolution and the mobile database should be the identical venderproduct.
Additionally, when a client programmer develops mobile application that are embedded in mobile devices,
thedeveloper should uses a particular library that is provided by thevender of mobile database or modify existing
mobileapplications for synchronization process. Because of theserestrictions, the extensibility, adaptability and
flexibility ofmobile business systems are markedly decrease. This problemmust be solved in order to build efficient
mobile businesssystems because upcoming mobile environments will haveheterogeneous characteristics in which
diverse mobile devices,mobile databases, and RDBMS exist.
This paper suggests SAMD (Synchronization Algorithmsbased on Message Digest) in order to resolve the
problemsmentioned above. SAMD resolves synchronization problemsusing only standard SQL queries as certified
by the ISO(International Organization for Standardization). This isfollowed by a possible synchronization of any
datacombination regardless of the kind of server-side database ormobile database. The SAMD therefore would
provideextensibility, adaptability and flexibility. The SAMD makesthe images at the table of the server-side
database and themobile database using a message digest algorithm; then theimages, and the message digest values,
are saved in themessage digest tables on both sides. The SAMD algorithmcompares two images in order to select the
rows needed for synchronization. If the value of message digest regardingidentical rows is different for both sides, it
means theduplicated rows have been changed and synchronization isnecessary using SAMD. Message digest is used
to detectfalsification of data transferred mainly via security protocols.In this procedure, because a large volume of
data iscompressed into a small volume, we can simplify the detectionof data inconsistencies and minimize wasted
storage space.Message digest functions work fast even with limitedresources, so that they reduce the burden placed
on mobiledevices that have small computing power.This paper is organized into several sections. Section
2introduces the background knowledge that is needed to understandthis paper. A proposed SAMD synchronization
algorithm based onmessage digest is explained in Section 3. In Section 4, performanceevaluation and quality
evaluation is achieved in implementingSAMD. Finally, Section 5 concludes the paper.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

Commercial DBMS venders offer various solutions to datasynchronization in a mobile environment.
However, these solutions are not independent of the server-side databasebecause they use database dependent
information such asmetadata or use specific functions of server-side database suchas trigger and time stamp. In other
words, the mobile databasevender should be equivalent to the server-side database vender.The solution of operating
a separate synchronization server inthe middle tier is independent of the server-side database butdedicated to the
mobile database. That is, the synchronizationsolution and the mobile database should be the identical venderproduct.
Additionally, when a client programmer develops mobile application that are embedded in mobile devices,
thedeveloper should uses a particular library that is provided by thevender of mobile database or modify existing
mobileapplications for synchronization process. Because of theserestrictions, the extensibility, adaptability and
flexibility ofmobile business systems are markedly decrease. This problemmust be solved in order to build efficient
mobile businesssystems because upcoming mobile environments will haveheterogeneous characteristics in which
diverse mobile devices,mobile databases, and RDBMS exist.
This paper suggests SAMD (Synchronization Algorithmsbased on Message Digest) in order to resolve the
problemsmentioned above. SAMD resolves synchronization problemsusing only standard SQL queries as certified
by the ISO(International Organization for Standardization). This isfollowed by a possible synchronization of any
datacombination regardless of the kind of server-side database ormobile database. The SAMD therefore would
provideextensibility, adaptability and flexibility. The SAMD makesthe images at the table of the server-side
database and themobile database using a message digest algorithm; then theimages, and the message digest values,
are saved in themessage digest tables on both sides. The SAMD algorithmcompares two images in order to select the
rows needed for synchronization. If the value of message digest regardingidentical rows is different for both sides, it
means theduplicated rows have been changed and synchronization isnecessary using SAMD. Message digest is used
to detectfalsification of data transferred mainly via security protocols.In this procedure, because a large volume of
data iscompressed into a small volume, we can simplify the detectionof data inconsistencies and minimize wasted
storage space.Message digest functions work fast even with limitedresources, so that they reduce the burden placed
on mobiledevices that have small computing power.This paper is organized into several sections. Section
2introduces the background knowledge that is needed to understandthis paper. A proposed SAMD synchronization
algorithm based onmessage digest is explained in Section 3. In Section 4, performanceevaluation and quality
evaluation is achieved in implementingSAMD. Finally, Section 5 concludes the paper.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..