In order to develop a systematic process and methodology
for project manager assignments that are applicable to the current
project management environments, we started our study by
exploring the process and criteria in the current environments.
Conceptual thinking 1 and 2 helped us frame our research. Then,
we used the emerging processes and criteria to guide the development
of a methodology for project manager assignment as
shown in Fig. 1.
A. Exploring the Processes and Criteria for Project Manager
Since therewas relatively little empirically grounded research
in this area of multiple project assignments, we used a case
study research approach [39], [40] coupling with Delphi method
[41] to determine the necessary process and criteria for project
assignments. Fig. 1 summarizes the research design and process
in this step. The details of the case study research design and
process are described in detail in [42] and [43].