this table reports OLS-regression results of the initial return (IR), on offer and firm characteristics for 105 IOPs in sweden over the sample period 1996-2011. IR is defined as the closing price minus the offer price divided by the closing price on the first trading date OFFERPRICE is the final offer price in the IPO, we also use the square of the offer price as a control variable (OFFERPRICE). FIRMSIZE is total number of outstanding shares multiplied by the offer price (expressed in natural log), TURNOVER is the radio between total number of shares traded during the first day divided by number of shares offered, FRACTION is the number ofshares sold in the offering divided by total outstanding shares in the IPO,IPO_SIZE is number of shares sold multiplied by the offer price (expressed in natural log), CHANGE_BoDs is the change in holdings by the board of directors measured from the offer prospectus until the next annual report. all veriable have been winsorized at the 1% and the 99% level. t-statistic are in parentheses.