The second assumption about Ayudhya as a successful centralized kingdom is a consequence of conceptualizing the reforms of King Trilok as a watershed in the Ayudhya political in the second half of the 15th century. Trilok's political system administration has been famous rearrangement of the Ayudhya central to understood as a tremendous attempt by a Thai king to establish the first centralized bureaucratic system in order put an end to the weakness of the previous system in which connection and marriage alliances were the major in kinship believed that King gredients. H.G. Quaritch Wales, for example, and brought Trilok, with the help of Khmer officials, captured ll, after the back to the Siamese court by his father, Boromracha power sack of Angkor Thom in A D.1431, could strengthen his to changing the basis of the feudal system from a territorial a personal one...and by a centralized and function- ally differentiated system of administration for the area now placed under the direct control of the capital