Wages and Benefits
All workers shall be paid at least the minimum wage required by applicable laws and shall be provided all legally mandated benefits. In the absence of a legal minimum wage, workers are paid at least the industry prevailing wage.
Wage payments shall be made at regular intervals, but not less than once a month, and directly to workers, in accordance with applicable law and shall not be delayed, deferred, or withheld.
At time of payment, workers shall receive a wage statement or pay slip.
Only deductions, advances, and loans authorized by applicable law are permitted and, if made or provided, shall only be taken with the full consent and understanding of workers. Information shall be provided to workers about hours worked, rates of pay, and the calculation of legal deductions.
All workers must retain full and complete control over their earnings. Wage deductions must not be used to keep workers tied to the employer or to their jobs. Workers shall not be held in debt bondage or forced to work in order to pay off a debt.
Deception in wage commitments, payment, advances, and loans is prohibited.