The results of this study reinforced the theoretical foundation
laid down by Rogers (1995) and the findings of many empirical
studies that adoption of particular agricultural innovations like
organic vegetable farming is a gradual process and that several
socio-economic and institutional factors play influential role insuch process. The findings of this study showed that women could
play very influential role in the promotion of OVF only if they are
given full opportunity to take part in the promotional programs.
Moreover, this is also consistent with the trend of gradually
expanding the role of women in agriculture in many developing
countries due to the out-migration of mainly the adult male population.
In view these facts, the agriculture development programs
of Thailand, including the OVF promotion program, should focus on
capacity building and mobilization of the women’s groups.
Depending on the specific situation, such capacity building
program should aim at enabling the women to carry out various
economic activities by helping them to develop the necessary
technical knowledge and skills, and by facilitating the development
of necessary support services including credit and marketing.
The findings of the study also indicated that the extent of
adoption of OVF depends on several factors that include the
required resources available at the farmers’ disposable such as
organic fertilizers, and improved effectiveness of bio-pesticides and
price of the organic vegetables. Many farmers would surely be
interested to practice OVF only if the required amount of organic
fertilizer is accessible and that the available bio-pesticides can
effectively control pests. Many farmers in the study area were not
able to grow organic vegetables due to the shortage of FYM and
compost, and the ineffectiveness of bio-pesticides in controlling
pests. Therefore, a program should be developed and implemented
that would promote the commercial production of compost. The
implementation of such program may require some initial support
in the form of, for example, soft credit to encourage private
entrepreneurs to invest in such venture. In view of the demand for
organic fertilizers, there is good opportunity for entrepreneurs to
earn good income from production of compost and other kinds of
biological fertilizers. Likewise, emphasis should also be laid on the
cultivation of legumes and other crops that can enhance the fertility
of the soil, as practiced by farmers in many developing countries to
fertilize their lands. Moreover, efforts should also be made to
enhance the effectiveness of bio-pesticides currently being used by
many farmers and to develop more effective alternative biopesticides.
Above all, the financial return that the farmers can attain from
their investment plays a very important role in the extent of
adoption of OVF. Growing organic vegetables has not been
financially attractive in the study area as the vegetables could not
fetch premium price for the premium quality. This explains why
organic vegetables are grown at very limited scale mainly for
household consumption. The farmers in the study area and elsewhere
cannot be expected to grow organic vegetables at large
scale if there is no price incentive offered for their organic
produce. This would therefore entail formulating a policy aimed at
creating demand for and providing good financial incentives to
organic vegetables.