How will the project affect interaction among persons and zroups?
How will it change social relationships and patterns Will certain people be separated or set apart from others?
Will the project cause a change in social values? What is the perceived impact on quality of life?
Physical Aspects ls a wall or barrier effect created (such as from noise walls or fencing)?
Will noise or vibration increase? Will dust or odor increase? Will there be a shadowing effect on property?
Visual Environment
Will the community's aesthetic character be changed? unity goals?
Is the design of the project compatible with comm Has aesthetics surfaced as a community concem?
Land Use will there be loss of farmland? Does it open new areas for development?
Will it induce changes in land use and density?
What changes might be expected? ls the project consistent with local land-use plans and zoning?
Economic Conditions
Will the proposed action encourage businesses to move to the area, relocate to other locations within the area close by, or move out of the area?
What is the economic impact on both the region and individual communities?
How is the local economy affected by the construction activities? Are there both positive Gotos generated) and negative (detours and loss of access) impacts?
Will the proposed action alter business visibility to traffic-based businesses?
How will visibility and access changes alter business activity?
What is the effect on the tax base (from taxable property removed from base, changes in property values, changes in business activity)?
What is the likely effect on property values caused by relocations or change in land use?
Mobility and Access How does the project affect nonmotorist access to businesses, public services, schools. and other facilities?
Does the project impede or enhance access between recidences and community facilities and businesses?
Does it shift traffic?
How does the project affect access to public transportation?
How does the project affect short- and long-term vehicular access to businesses, public services, and other facilities?
Does it affect parking availability?
Table 3.19 Questions for community impact analysis (continued) Provision of Public Services Will the proposed action lead to or help alleviate overcrowding of public facilities (ie.. schools and recreational facilities)? Will it lead to or help alleviate underuse? How will it affect the ability to provide adequate services? Will the project result in relocation or displacement of public facilities or community centers (e.g., places of worship)? Safety will the proposed action increase or decrease the likelihood of accidents for nonmotorists? Will the proposed action increase or decrease crime? Will there be changes in emergency response time (fire, police, and emergency medical? Displacement What are the effects on the neighborhood from which people move and into which people are relo. cated? How many residences will be displaced? What types-multiunit, single family, others? Are there residents with special needs (disabled, minority, elderly) being displaced? How many businesses and farms will be displaced? What types? Do they have unique characteristics, such as specialty products or a unique customer base? Are there available sites to accommodate those displaced?