1) AMD's APUS benefit MASSIVELY from fast ram. You should've got a kit of 2x4 GB DDR3 2133 MHz ram or even 2400 Mhz if possible.
2) A8 7600 is made for Low-Medium 720p gaming at mostly 30 FPS. Again, this is only possible with 2133+ RAM.
3) DO NOT use Windows 7 with AMD's APUs. Install Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 immediately. Most optimization made by AMD and Microsoft for these types of APUS were implemented starting with Windows 8.
4) If you wanted overclocking, you should've bought and APU with a K suffix. Like the A8 7650K. But if you wanted gaming, you should've got the 7870K and overclocked that.
5) The GPU in your APU doesn't have 1 or 2 GB VRAM. The VRAM it can use is taken from how much system RAM your PC has.
6) You should've bought a CPU cooler as well. You really want to APU to be able to Turbo all time for best CPU and GPU performance.
7) If you aren't satisfied with performance (but really, an A8 7600 is made for people who play Dota 2 and LoL, not Far Cry 4 or Metro Redux), either return the 7600 if you bought it recently and get the 7870K, overclock that and buy FASTER ram. Or ... sell the APU, buy an Athlon 860K for a lower price than the price you've paid for the APU, buy a separate GPU, like an AMD R7 250, do not change your ram and enjoy better performance either way.
It's your fault you bought a lowly A8 with low frequency ram for heavy gaming. Sorry mate.