The use of instructional media increases flexibility because media are the various
components in learners' environment which help the learners learn (Gagne, 1970). The
development of new technology has always been on the rise, and continuing enhancements
include different types of media that suit individual preferences or English proficiency. For
instances, for purposes which aim at attracting students' interest as well as to accelerate their
learning motivations to participate with the lesson, as many researchers have presented strong
evidence that multimedia has useful effects on language learning because of its rich and
authentic comprehensible input (Brett, 1995). Thus, it seems that schools open their arms to
more of media as authentic English language lesson, as well as stimulating learning motivation
in learners. However, media also comes with a variety of alternative, forms, and functions that
are available to choose from, and suit target groups of learners such as using captioned movies
for vocabulary teaching in English language classrooms. Additionally, using captioned video is an
innovative and promising approach for improving students' reading comprehension, vocabulary,
and motivations (Hornblow & Homblow, 1968), therefore, viewers are, generally, quite