Our World-Class Staff
ISB invests in hiring the highest quality administrators, teachers, counselors, instructional assistants, and support staff in order to maintain our world-class standards.
Teachers in our Elementary School are teamed with an instructional assistant enabling the staff to give students individualized attention. In Middle School, core teachers and their students are assigned to a "House" where teachers are able to work collaboratively monitoring each student's progress. High School students meet in small "Communication Groups" with one of their High School teachers as a means of monitoring progress and success. All of our students, from Elementary School to Middle School to High School, benefit from having individualized instruction, small class sizes, and the highest quality staff.
ISB believes that the professional development of teachers and administrators directly impacts the achievement of students, thus our staff participate in ongoing professional development activities.
Student-Faculty Ratio: 10:1
Teachers with Certification: 100%
Teachers with Advanced Degrees: 85%
Teaching Experience Average: 18 years
Average Years at ISB: 8 years
Instructional Assistants with Degrees: 86%
Counselors at ISB: 12, plus 2 Psychologists