For isolation of bacteria, the homogenized samples were shaken
at 180 rpm for 30 min and allowed to set for 5 min. After settling,
0.1 ml of the supernatants were serially diluted to obtain aliquots
of 104–106 ml, which were smeared on R2A medium, plates and
inoculated at 28 C for 48–72 h to obtain cultures (form, color and
texture) containing 50–300 CFU. After, 2–3 days of incubation, all
bacteria colonies were counted and picked, purified and then
stored on slants of 40% glycerol (500 ll of 80% glycerol broth
+ 500 ll microbial) at 70 C, as described by Berg et al. (2002)
and Barraquio et al. (1997)).