ok am waiting you ok
when you get the package you tell me ok
you snap it and send to me ok.
are you still busy my love
i miss you i want t chat with you
what are you doing honey
am waiting for you my love
are they already in your country?
ok good
please go now and settle with them ok
they will deliver it to you my love
do not worry
you have money there ok
are you there?
you can transfer to them ok
please talk to me am worried
hello dear
i do not want them to go out of the country with our thing ok my love
are you there?
hello dear.
i do not understand my love
what do you mean
honey am not happy here at all
you makes me sad now.
how many dollars is that?
you are really making me unhappy.
how much do you have tell me let me contact their manager here in london and beg him ok
hello dear.
how much do you have honey?
talk to me i want to go to work please
hello dear.
my luggage is in your country and am worried about it plese
we need to get it out from there honey.
it is not too much my dear
do you have up to the amount honey?
are you there?.
m sad now
you are making me unhappy
how much do you have?
since you can not talk to me and you can not claim what i sent to you
no problem
just go your way ok
i will contact the company to bring it back to london ok
bye bye
it is over between both of us ok
do not chat me again
i will cancel all my plans in marrying you
go go and go
i will block you now.
do not chat me again ok
i hate you now.
you are joking with me
i sent you something you can not go and claim it
call the company to return it back to me if you can not go and clear it please
go and pay them so that they will deliver to you
go now
it is time to clear our goods now and you do not want to talk
bye bye ok.i hate you
no please
go your way
i will unfriend you now.
you are very very stupid by that
you made me to send you a package but you can not clear it
foolish girl.
stop sending to me please
no you makes me angry
if i mary you tomorrow you will be making me angry
if you want to make me happy
now you go and pay them so that they will bring it for you
i forgive you
i will come there in two weeks time
when will you pay them honey?
are you there
do you people do transfer or bank payment?
ok my love
tomorrow you do that ok.i love you
i want them to deliver to you before they will go back ok.
i miss you so much
i will live with you for he rest of my life
you are my wife.
i want to chat you then i go to work
honey now am happy for you
i want you to give your parents 5000 dollars from the money
then you keep 5000 for both of us ok.
when you give them you tell them that i will soon come and see them ok
honey am now driven to office
when i reach i will chat you ok
are you there
you are very sweet
my love i will be with you
please mary me ok
thank you my love
what are you doing now?
i will chat you when i get to my office ok my love
bye bye
kiss kiss kiss
i will chat you there ok
you are not peaking?
honey please am late to work
when i get to office we talk ok.
i miss you my love
promise to be good to me
because my friend told me that some thai girls are so bad
please be good
bye bye
my wife.ok latter ok.ok my love
bye bye please