• What is your greatest weakness?
This is probably the most common phrasing.
• What are some of your weaknesses?
Here you are being asked for more than one. The interviewer knows you have that one B.S. weakness prepared and wants to push you for more (see also: follow-up questions below)
• What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Some interviewers will ask you to sum up both strengths and weaknesses in one answer.
• If I called your current/previous manager, what would he/she say that you need to work on?
This phrasing is tricky. By planting the idea of calling your current/last manager, the interviewer is trying to subconsciously encourage more honesty (Some candidates immediately start thinking, “What if he actually calls her?”)
• Tell me about a development goal that you have set.
This question probes for weakness, but also emphasizes your ability to proactively set development goals.
• If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Here’s another phrasing — again asking for your GREATEST weakness, or at least the one that you feel is most limiting.