Mixed farming is common worldwide, in spite of a tendency in agribusiness, research and teaching towards specialized forms of farming. Obviously, mixing has both advantages and disadvantages. For example, farmers in mixed systems have to divide their attention and resources over several activities, thus leading to reduced economies of scale. Advantages include the possibility of reducing risk, spreading labour and re-utilizing resources. The importance of these advantages and disadvantages differs according to the sociocultural preferences of the farmers and to the biophysical conditions as determined by rainfall, radiation, soil type and disease pressure. This chapter first describes several forms of mixing. Second, it explains how mixing of several parts requires a special approach to make a success of the total mix. What counts is the yield of the total, not of the parts. Trees in and on the edge of a crop field generally reduce the grain yield, but the combination of the trees (for fodder and timber) and crops is valuable, because each of the components produces useful products for the farm (people and animals included).