in this formulated diet. This is in agreement with
previous findings in rainbow trout, O. mykiss,
which was fed with different dietary and lipid
sources (Choubert et al. 2006). In this study, the
dietary pigment that enhanced the reddish hue
and chroma values tended to be reduced after
60 days of feeding. This behaviour from hue and
chroma suggests certain skin colour saturation. In
agreement, an apparent colour saturation point
was found in red porgy (P. pagrus) fed with shrimp
shell meal diets. These diets enhanced the reddish
hue and chroma values. Nevertheless, hue values
at days 75 and 105 did not show a marked difference
and chroma levels attained after 75 days
tended to be reduced at day 105, suggesting skin
colour saturation after a certain feeding time
(Kalinowski et al. 2005).