Due to a shortage of land in coastal cities, reclamation works are being carried out to expand the land. Areas with favourable foundation for reclamation are becoming scarce .As such reclamation works have to be carried out on non- favourable foundation such as waste pond, slurry pond and recently formed estuary deposits which are still undergoing self-weight consolidation. Since such deposits are very soft with high compressibility and negligible shear strength, reclamation on them are extremely difficult. Special techniques are required for reclamation of this type of deposit. In addition to the difficulties in reclamation on such foundation, it also contributes large settlement upon application of the additional load. Large settlement usually occurs with minimum effective stress gain. This type of large strain deformation does not complyTerzaghi’s small strain theory. This paper describes a case study on reclamation and soil improvement on ultra-soft soil. Site investigation and characterization of the ultra-soft soil and the interim assessment of the improvement of the ultra-soft soil are also discussed.