Figure 7.0k demonstrates the multiple windows feature, there are 5 views: The top left display, shows all four
channels triggering on CH1 at a time-base of 50ms/DIV. The middle left display, shows CH1, with a timebase
of 10ms/DIV. The bottom left display, shows CH4, with a 10ms/DIV time-base. The top right display
shows CH1 and CH3 at a time-base of 0.1s/DIV. The bottom right display shows all four channels at an
extremely high resolution at a time-base of 5ms/DIV and triggering off CH2. The only problem is that all
scope windows have the same name “Untilled”, clearly this needs to be improved (e.g. “Untilled1”,
“Untilled2”, etc…) as this is confusing to user, the reason for this is because the default automatic naming of
the windows was overwritten so that filenames could be placed on the title bar. There is no limit on how
many windows that can be opened simultaneously, perhaps until the computer runs out of memory, which on
a modern PC could be 1000s of windows.