Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) is grown throughout the
tropics and subtropics. World-wide production of sweet
potato is 110.1 million tonnes in 2008 and the major producers
include China, Indonesia, Nigeria, Uganda and Viet
Nam [1]. The sweet potato is used widely is ready-to-eat
foods such as noodles, Chinese style French fries, canned
foods, etc. [2]. Sweet potatoes are excellent sources of
vitamin A and C, and the starch content of the fresh roots
varies from 6.9 to 30.7%. Besides, they are high in energy
and dietary fibre, low in fat, and are important sources of
beta-carotene [3]. In order to the high perishability of fresh
sweet potatoes, due to their high moisture content and the
seasonal nature of their production, in some countries
sweet potatoes are processed into flour using a well
established method. The sweet potatoes are peeled, sometimes
sliced, blanched in hot water and then sun-dried. The
dried potatoes are milled into flour