Despite the large variation of formulation, size, and shape of
noodles, the noodle-making process is essentially constant for different
types of noodles (Fu, 2008). It typically consists of dough
mixing, formation of dough sheets, compounding of two dough
sheets, sheet thickness reduction by rolling, and noodle strands
formation by passing the dough sheet through a pair of cutting
rolls. This can be considered as a ‘‘mature technology’’ given its
world-wide diffusion.
Despite the large variation of formulation, size, and shape ofnoodles, the noodle-making process is essentially constant for differenttypes of noodles (Fu, 2008). It typically consists of doughmixing, formation of dough sheets, compounding of two doughsheets, sheet thickness reduction by rolling, and noodle strandsformation by passing the dough sheet through a pair of cuttingrolls. This can be considered as a ‘‘mature technology’’ given itsworld-wide diffusion.
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