Fig. 7. Seed germination assays in mature seeds of WT and OsLTPL36-RNAi lines. (A)WT. (B–D) OsLTPL36-RNAi (i5-5, i8-3 and i23-2) seed on half-strength MS medium without sugar for 4 days. (E) Seed germination rate. 120 seeds of T2 generation of different transgenic lines and WT. Bars: 5 mm in (A–D). Germination is defined as the emergence of the radicles through the seed coat. Data are mean ± SE for three replicates with each replicate containing 40 seeds. Data were statistically analyzed with t-test. Statistically significant difference from the wild type within a treatment:* P < 0.05; ** P < 0.01.