There are four major types of stress that people experience in life and stress is a part of our everyday life, coming from events that happen. The first type of stress is Eustress, it is a type of short-term stress that is a positive type of stress. And this stress provides the focus and energy needed in order to perform at the highest level of the individual’s ability.Second type is Distress, it is a negative stress brought about by changes or alterations in an individual’s life. Distress is also referred to as anxiety, severe trauma or mental suffering resulting from exhaustion or an accident. In addition, there are essentially two types of distress: acute stress and chronic stress. Another type of stress is Hyperstress , it is the type of stress that comes when a person is forced to perform above their normal capacity. When a person experiencing this type of stress, they can find that their emotions run higher and the smallest event can trigger a highly emotional outbreak, too. Last type of stress is Hypostress and it is actually the opposite of Hyperstress. And, Hypostress happens when a person is constantly bored. Moreover, when a person experiences this type of stress they are frequently restless and uninspired.
Finally, If you are dealing with one of these types stress disorders, understanding them can help you balance and control the stress in your life. And in return you can live a much healthier and happier life.