On the other hand, the NPK treated rice plant registered
3 leaf number, whilst the control recorded 28. No tiller
was observed for the NPK treated rice, whilst the control
registered a tiller number of 8. Root length was found to
be significantly increased for the Trichoderma spp. treated
rice plants with a range between 17.17–22.5 cm whilst the
NPK treated rice plants recorded root length of only
9.33 cm. For the control, root length was 14.57 cm. Root
fresh weight was significantly higher for the Trichoderma
spp. treated rice plants as well compared to NPK treated
and control. The Trichoderma spp. treated rice plants registered
the highest value which was 15.21 g whilst the root
fresh weight for NPK treated plants and control were
3.07 g and 8.51 g respectively. Among the Trichoderma
sp. SL2 treated rice plants showed the greatest increase in
plant height, tiller number, root length and root fresh
weight, while Trichoderma sp. SL7 had the greatest
effect in enhancing the number of leaves. However, no
significant improvement in root dry weight was seen
for the Trichoderma spp. treated rice plants.